Wooo Hooo Gooo Rooo


Wooo Hooo Gooo Rooo 〰️

We are sharing!

Immense Cosmic Cense.

Transmissions Of Treasures.

A Little Non-Sense.

We are Censees!

Transcending From The Constellation NIFICENSE.

Beaming Our Omnificence.

Investing In Your Mycelium Magnificence!

We Are Censing!

Your Numinous Account Is Way Low.

Your Cosmic Wealth Is At An Uh-Oh.

Your Spiritual Stream Is Mighty Slow.

We Are Censing You Are READY To

Get out of spiritual poverty and into spiritual sovereignty…   

Censees Censing


Censees Censing 〰️

  • We Are Censing

    You’ve Got The Spiritual Itch

    To Get Cosmically Rich!

    You Are Ready To Make Enough


    To Afford To




    ROLE Of Your SOUL!

  • So We Appointed Lady Inhale

    To Channel Cosmic Cense Through~

    Just For You!

Rooo is your brilliance! gooo is your resilience!


Rooo is your brilliance! gooo is your resilience! 〰️

Together, We Show You

HOW To Clear Spiritual Poverty Glitches ~

HOW To Craft Cosmic Riches ~

HOW To Connect To Your True You~

HOW To Channel Your GoooRooo~

Beginning With…

Comically Connecting


Comically Connecting 〰️




Cosmic Currencies,

Chakra Coherences

& Celtic Curiosities.

In The Form Of



    It all starts with the blueprint of your natal chart. Learn the archetypal design of each of your signs. Begin to directly activate your brilliance.


    Next, you’ll learn how your unique arrangement of planets influence the role of your soul. Embrace your shadow, your density, your gooo. Integrate your light, your consciousness, your Rooo.


    Then you’ll understand how the houses create the arenas for you to enchant the codes needed to elevate, shift and lift and reveal your gifts. Experience vibrational upgrades from cosmic sources. Create currency that feeds the benevolent forces.

Prosperity Is Pro-Spirit


Prosperity Is Pro-Spirit 〰️

Make Cosmic Cense

Enrich Your Breath. Enrich Your Life.

Receive DAILY Breathing Treasures To

Enchant More

Cense Of Your Gifts, Genius, Rooos.

Embrace More

Cense Of Your Shadows, Pitfalls, Gooos.

So You Can

Move Through The charge Of Your Gooo

To Get To The Gift Of Your Rooo.

It’s An Archetypal Alchemical Portal

For Transforming

Reactions And Repressions

{That Somehow

Stimulate and Validate

The Comforts Of Complaints & Constraints}


Pro-Active Pro-Spirit

Cosmic Cense!

The Breath Treasures Are Designed To

Enrich Your Being,

So You Can Afford To Become

Your Very Own Gooorooo.

Make Cosmic Cense of Your Self.

Get as cosmically rich as can be to spiritually set you free


Get as cosmically rich as can be to spiritually set you free 〰️

Q & A With The Censees

  • Most likely you feel depleted, drained and don’t laugh a lot.

    You may feel discontent, disconnected and experience a weak sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in your life.

  • We dwell on planets in the constellation Nificense. Some of us Censees call the planet Ong home. Others live on Mag.

    We also have Censees living on Lam, Vam, Ram, Ham, Yam and Non.

  • To us, sticks are powerful wands. They activate as antennae to our home channels.

  • It often feels overwhelming, surreal, and awe-inspiring. It may bring a sense of immense power and responsibility, as well as a deep appreciation for the vastness and complexity of the universe. It may also bring a feeling of connection to something greater as well as a sense of humility in the face of the infinite mysteries of the cosmos.

    Ultimately, being cosmically rich is a profound and transformative experience that could shift your perspective on life.

  • We breathe Spirit, which for earthings comes through oxygen. So when we transcend to your planet, that’s how we nourish our life force too.

  • We speak in vibrational sound codes that correspond to the Chakra portals.

  • Our physical vessels are much more malleable than the human body. This allows us to adapt to new environments across the cosmos. When we are on Earth, we choose to look more similar to humans for your own comfort.

    We love to wear moss and gold.

  • Comos is order, arrangement, hidden meanings

  • We consider astrology as a translation of light: a language of forms, colors, morphologies of time. A wheeled way of thinking about season, hours, angles of sun and how those elements cast shapes, make moods, and move.

  • Obviously, we have names! Ask us and we'll tell you. Just like meeting a new human friend.

  • We prefer to be called Galactic Guides.

  • Cheryl Crawford connected to us through her deep breaths, goofiness and love of moss. Her spiritual wealth and ecstatic health are high.

  • Every religion is an appropriation of magic and spirit.

  • Synonymous with spiritual energy-the cosmic currents,

    the astral archetypes that make Cense-

    that are weaving though your consciousness,

    playing the ecstatic chords -

    Spiritual Energy that is so worth your time. And space.

    Currents of sacred rhythms that have echoed through millennia.

    Vibrational Upgrades that feed the benevolent forces and connects to the highest re-sources.

Cosmic Connections

Sign up for cosmic currencies, courses and celebrations.